How Does Your Upbringing Still Affect Your Action Today?

How Your Upbringing Shapes Who You Are Today

How Does Your Upbringing Still Affect Your Action Today?

Everyone has an upbringing of some sort. Whether privileged or impoverished, happy or tumultuous – every person must start somewhere. Most of us don’t give enough thought to how that first chapter in life affects our later years. How exactly do our experiences growing up impact the person we become? What we know today is influenced by past experiences and those who shaped those memories. Many factors shape who we are from the day we are born until we die. The question is:? How much of it is because of our upbringing? In this article, let us explore the impact of childhood experiences on adult identity and offer insights into how a positive environment can influence our future self for the better.

How Your Upbringing Shapes Who You Are

The impact of your upbringing on who you are may be less visible than you think. While we are all influenced by past experiences, it can be more obvious how exactly that has shaped our identity. The vital thing to remember is that we all have the power to reshape those childhood experiences and make them work in our favor. There’s no predetermined path in life, and it’s up to us to steer ourselves in the right direction. The best procedure is to know how our childhood experiences influence our actions today. Knowing how your past affects your present self can help you make healthier choices for your future.

The Importance of Good Role Models

Every child needs a role model in life. Someone to look up to and emulate. Someone who demonstrates the values and behavior you want to see in yourself growing up. Many of us get lucky and have at least one parent as a role model. But the sad truth is that some kids don’t have anyone like that in their life. Finding a role model outside of your immediate family can be challenging. If you find yourself in that position, know there is always time to find a mentor. And you don’t need to look far to find good role models: teachers, coaches, and famous people you admire can all be good models to follow. Knowing what you look up to is the key to finding a good role model. Are you a fan of someone’s achievements? Or do you admire their values and lifestyle? Finding a role model who shares your interests and passions is the best way to benefit from their example.

upbringing affect adult life

Instilling Discipline and a Growth Mindset

We often talk about discipline in terms of ‘having’ or ‘not having it. But when it comes to childhood, strictness is more significant than controlling your actions. It’s also about controlling how you think and feel. Being a child is about learning, exploring, and discovering who you are. It’s a particular time that shapes who we become as adults. Growing up in a disciplined household with effective rules will help you learn more and grow faster. A growth mindset is the mindset of a child. It’s an open and curious state of mind when we are willing to try things and learn from our mistakes. It’s about taking on challenges, failing, and then trying again until you succeed. If you’re lucky enough to have a disciplined household with effective rules and a growth mindset, you’ll have laid an excellent foundation for your future self. You’ll have gained valuable skills that will serve you in later life.

Lessons in Humility and Self-Care

As a child, you may not have been aware of your importance but were told that you are ‘the center of the universe.’ But, if you grew up in a loving household, you were also taught to be humble and respect others. Humility is a valuable lesson that’s easy to lose sight of as an adult. It’s also something that many people today lack. A little bit of humility is necessary for life. It keeps you open-minded and kind and stops you from becoming self-obsessed. If you were lucky to grow up in a house that emphasizes humility, you would likely have a healthy dose of self-respect. It can help you avoid becoming egotistical and arrogant in your future career.


Your upbringing plays a huge role in your adult identity. It is the first introduction to the life and the first experience of what it is to be who you are. How you navigate and survive your childhood is essential to who you will become as an adult. It is the foundation of who you are and the person you will become. What is important to remember is that you can reshape those childhood experiences. With the right mindset and plenty of self-awareness, you can turn your past into a positive force for your future self.