Tag Archives: set a goal

6 Things To Avoid If You Want Your Goals Achieved


Ways to Move Closer To Your Goals

When you set a goal, you usually know what to do to achieve it. But perhaps, as often as not, that plan will only work out as intended. In reality, achieving your goals is more complex. 

You might find yourself falling off track time and time again, but the sooner you recognize why this is happening and address it, the sooner you will be back on track again to reach your objective. 

If you plan on achieving your goals and seeing them through successfully, rather than stumbling upon them again and again, we’ve got some advice on things you should stop to make your dreams happen.

Stop procrastinating

To achieve anything, you first have to start. But if you procrastinate, you will never get started, let alone finish what you started. To fulfill any goal, you need to start small and start now. Be bold and set yourself realistic targets. 

Make a start instead. Whether it is a career change, a health regime, or some other project, take one small step at a time and don’t look too far ahead. Make it your daily routine to take action towards your goal continually. 

Make it a habit. Action taken today is much easier to deal with than action postponed until tomorrow or next week. Before you know it, you will be well toward achieving your goals. The only way you will ever reach them is by getting off the starting blocks. Procrastination will only ever hold you back.

Stop being so self-critical.

When you try to change your habits and make new positive changes, you will experience a lot of resistance. You will find your inner critic trying to put you down whenever you’re trying something new. 

If you constantly criticize yourself for falling short of your ideals, it will make it harder for you to achieve your goals. We all make mistakes and have slip-ups. Nobody is perfect. So, changing your habits and progress will only be more challenging when you set yourself up to fail because you are too critical, overly self-critical, or too hard on yourself.

 Instead of being so critical, try to be kinder to yourself. For example, if you are trying to eat less junk food, and you slip up and eat something unhealthy, instead of criticizing yourself and saying, “I can’t believe I did that,” why not be a little kinder to yourself and say, “I made a mistake,” and move on. If you can do this, it will make achieving your goals easier.

Stop being so hard on yourself.

As mentioned, achieving your goals is even more challenging when you are too hard on yourself. To make the changes you want, you must learn to be kinder to yourself. It is essential to recognize that you do have the potential to make a positive change in your life. 

Don’t let your self-doubt or inner critic make it harder than it has to be. Set yourself up for success by being kinder towards yourself and not expecting too much too soon. For example, you must be patient if you want to quit smoking or make some other significant lifestyle change. 

Beating yourself over every little slip-up will make it more difficult for you to set a goal, and succeed in the long run. Beating yourself up will only make you feel bad about yourself, whereas being kinder to yourself will help you feel better about your progress. Recognize that you do have the ability to change your life for the better. The first step towards changing your life is first to change the way that you think about yourself.

Stop relying on motivation to get things done.

We all know someone with great ideas always needs help to see them through. They are usually very enthusiastic when discussing their plans, but they always seem to fall aside at the end of the day. If you find yourself relying on a burst of motivation to get things done, you are setting yourself up for failure. 

You want to stay calm about your goals and how you set a goal, get started. You want to be consistent and persistent, not be someone who gets their enthusiasm up, starts something, and then loses interest. After setting goals and making plans, you have to be specific as you can be and will follow through with them. You have to be consistent and commit to following through with your plans. 

If you keep putting things off or waiting for the perfect moment to do them, you will only achieve something or nothing. Set up a system to keep yourself consistent. For example, make a daily or weekly plan for the tasks you have to do. Please put them in your diary or calendar, and don’t let yourself off the hook.


Standing out from the crowd concept with a orange colored man between the blue ones. Can be used also social network connections. ( 3d render )

Stop using social media as a distraction.

If you are trying to progress toward your goals and need help, try using social media sparingly. We all have daily distractions that take us away from what we should be doing. We all have things we should be doing but find them challenging to do.

If you find it difficult to progress towards your goals and are constantly being distracted by social media, reduce the time spent on social media. Social media is not going to help you achieve your goals. It is going to distract you from reaching your goals. Try to progress towards your goals without the temptation of social media getting in the way.


When you set a goal, you usually know what to do to achieve it. But perhaps, as often as not, that plan will only work out somewhat as intended. In reality, achieving your goals is more complex. 

You might find yourself falling off track time and time again, but the sooner you recognize why this is happening and address it, the sooner you will be back on track again to reach your objective. 

To achieve your goals and see them through successfully, instead of stumbling upon them, we have some advice on what to avoid to achieve your goals.